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Cosmic Software Compiler Utilities

This page contains the latest versions of our most popular integration, programming and debugging support utilities. If you don't find what you need please contact your local technical support office.

  • CodeWright integrator for NXP targets (V4.0d for Windows, released on 02/04/03, ~2 Mbytes)
    CodeWright Integrator and GNU Make. Installs and configures Borland CodeWright integration files, GNU make and Cosmic Examples for NXP Targets. (See readme_cw.pdf)
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  • CodeWright integrator for ST targets (V4.0d for Windows, released on 02/04/03, ~2 Mbytes)
    CodeWright Integrator and GNU Make. Installs and configures Borland CodeWright integration files, GNU make and Cosmic Examples for STMicroelectronics Targets. (See readme_cw.pdf)
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  • GNU make with Cosmic examples (V3.79.1 for Windows, released on 28/03/01, ~1 Mbyte)
    Windows GNU Make and select GNU utilities including ls, rm, du, touch, cp and mv. Includes Cosmic Example projects and makefiles.

  • CV695 for windows converter (V6.12L, released on 24/01/03)
    Converts Cosmic Code and Debug format to IEEE-695.

  • CV695 for HP-UX converter (V6.12i, released on 10/08/02)
    Converts Cosmic Code and Debug format to IEEE-695.

  • CV695 for SUN converter (V6.12i, released on 10/08/02)
    Converts Cosmic Code and Debug format to IEEE-695.

  • Cvdwarf for windows converter (V4.5c, released on 09/06/05)
    Converts Cosmic V4 Debug format to ELF/DWARF V2.0

  • Cvpne for windows converter (V4.2b, released on 24/01/03)
    Converts Cosmic V4 Debug format to P&E Map file format.

  • Cvpne for SUN converter (V4.1b, released on 05/02/99)
    Converts Cosmic V4 Debug format to P&E Map file format.

  • Cvpne for HP-UX converter (V4.1b, released on 05/02/99)
    Converts Cosmic V4 Debug format to P&E Map file format.